Inspire audiences. Challenge your thinking.

“In one morning, Steve re-energized the way we look at our business. The only question we had at the end of the session was, ‘When can we get him back?’” 

- Doug Ducey | Former CEO & Chairman, Cold Stone Creamery

Steve Yastrow speaker image

Steve's Speaking Topics

Ditch the Pitch: Improve Your Sales

Nobody wants to hear a sales pitch. When you ditch the pitch, you become a better persuader by engaging your customers in conversations they care about. Steve teaches concepts of improvisation to help audiences develop the skills and confidence to create fresh, spontaneous persuasive conversations with customers.

No brand should be a commodity. What makes your company different from the rest? Steve challenges audiences to Find Your Why through his insightful and engaging program. In just one keynote or workshop, audiences will be well on their way to identifying their company’s true purpose and improving their brand.

Find Your Why: Improve Your Brand

Brand Harmony: Improve Your Customer Experience

Experiences are powerful. Customer loyalty grows when all experiences they have with your company blend in harmony to tell one clear, integrated, compelling story. Steve helps all people in your company understand their role in connecting with customers to improve your customer experience.

Be the Brand: Improve Your Employee Experience

Every employee wants to feel important. And every employee is important. Steve inspires audiences to unite behind a customer focus and understand that their day-to-day work truly matters. Every step towards building a customer-centric culture will improve your employee experience.

Steve's Speaking Reel



Schedule time with Steve to talk about your next event or how to improve your business performance.